No one likes product rework projects, however when such projects are needed, you want an experienced rework services partner, like Accel Inc. so it can get done right, and done fast.  We are centrally located in the Midwest United States near Columbus Ohio.

Accel’s rework & product packaging services

  • Avoid extra freight costs. If you manufacture outside the USA, sending the product back is often not an option. Accel can provide timely, cost-effective solutions to your problems that arise after production.
  • Meet customer deadlines. Sometimes a rapid response to a product change is required or you will lose a sale.
  • Reduce labor costs. Accel’s staff can quickly estimate rework service projects and assign associates who are experienced and efficient at project execution.

Examples of Reworks | Repacks | Pack Outs | Product Reclamation

Bulk to Single or Single to Bulk Variety and multi-packing from bulk
Modifying and reconfiguring Cosmetic/refurbishment work
Adding new or missing parts Reclaim damaged goods
Replacing bad parts Kitting, re-kitting and repackaging